People Are Divided Over This “Wheel of Fortune” Contestant’s Fail

David Pederson recently made a name for himself on the fan-favorite game show “Wheel of Fortune” when he ran into an issue with enunciating the word “Bagel” in their food and drink category round. His mistake created quite an uproar on social media!

Pederson pronounced the word with a drawn-out “a” sound, as in “bag,” when it should have been short and crisp like the sound of “beg.” Host Pat Sajak promptly indicated that his answer was inaccurate; another contestant swiftly followed up by nailing the correct response: “Sautéed Zucchini.” SEE THE PHOTO BELOW


Despite its seemingly innocuous beginning, this incident soon exploded on social media as some were amused by Pederson’s mispronunciation while others expressed their outrage. The repercussion was immense such that even premier news outlets like the New York Post and CNN reported on it shortly after.

Although the argument regarding how to properly say “bagel” may appear unimportant, it actually reflects a larger problem: the diversity of American English dialects. Depending on where you live in this country, some people will state “bagel” with an extended ‘a’ sound while others prefer a shorter pronunciation.

For some, Pederson’s mispronunciation was entertaining since it showcased language differences. However, to others, his mistake showed either ignorance or careless behavior as he should have known the “acceptable” pronunciation.

This incident sparks thoughts about the purpose of language and accent in our culture. Even though there isn’t a definitive way to pronounce words, particular dialects are given more regard than others. Generally speaking, people with “standard” accents (as heard on national news broadcasts) might be seen as smarter or more competent than those with regional or non-conventional pronunciations.

Though a regional or unfamiliar accent is not necessarily wrong, certain scenarios like job interviews and conversations with those in positions of power can result in discrimination or bias against individuals who speak this way.

In Pederson’s case, his mispronunciation was little more than a source of public humiliation. Yet for other individuals, an incorrect word choice or dialect could manifest more severe consequences.

Ultimately, the “Bagelgate” affair serves as a reminder of the intricate nature of language and pronunciation in our culture. Though it may seem insignificant at first glance, this issue alludes to more comprehensive topics like regionalism, biases, and social disparities. As America continues to become increasingly diverse with each passing day, we should wholeheartedly embrace these various dialects and accents that makeup American English instead of demanding an inflexible standard for what is considered “right” speech.


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