There is a moth somewhere in this image of a pebble-dashed wall but it’s exceptionally well camouflaged
The natural world is full of many incredible things, not least the camouflage that some creatures are capable of.
It could be trying to spot a snow leopard before it gets you, or the sniper in a picture.
But one group of animals which have truly remarkable camouflaging abilities are moths.
In this case, if you want to try and put your visual abilities to the test you can take a look at this picture below to see if you can spot the moth which is hiding in plain sight.
The image was posted to Reddit onto the subreddit r/FindTheSniper, which has lots of brainteasers like this where people can try to spot the hidden object or creature.
In the image, the poster explained a moth is somewhere on the wall.
They wrote that the moth had landed on a wall which was covered in pebble dashing.
But once the moth landed it seemed to ‘vanish’ into the background – see if you can spot it.

It is in there I promise! (Reddit / r/Spartans_Ghost47)
Have you spotted it yet? It is very tough I’ll give you that.
Moths are known to have absolutely incredible camouflage which can hide them in very specific environments.
For example, some would stick out like a sore thumb on a leaf, but if they hide on the tree trunk you could have them right under your nose and still not make them out.
Others might be the other way round, having wings which have the appearance or fresh leaves, or dead leaves depending what kind.
Being hard to spot is useful for moths as they are a tasty snack for many predators and don’t have any jaws or stings to defend themselves.
So, did you manage to find the moth? Psych, there is no moth!
Just kidding, scroll down for the answer.

There it is! (Reddit / r/Spartans_Ghost47)
Pretty incredible camouflage isn’t it? You could walk right past.
While moths use camouflage to avoid being eaten, other animals take the opposite path.
Instead of trying to hide away they are decked out in lots of bright and vibrant colours.
But of course if something is so open about its location there has to be a catch or it would be snaffled up in no time.
With these creatures, including many insects as well as frogs, their vibrant appearance is a clear warning – stay away.
Often they will have powerful poisons or venoms which would cause serious harm to any attacker.
A third group goes further still, emulating the appearance of the poisonous creatures when they are in fact harmless.